Download the Exact file with this simple trick

Google is one the greatest search engine which helps us and helped us so many times to view the content of what we require.So,ever think of how the google works and what is the working process or how google maintains the list of so many webpages.Download the exact key for the particular software which you needed.There may be list of many websites that gives the same data,but to know the exact file where it is located this following trick may help you.Decent for finding mp3's on the web (which is hard to do normally, to say the least).Storing the information is also done in google by cache memory.

How to search in Google

Say you want to get, for example, a Garth Brooks song. type this in the search bar - "index of/" "garth brooks" .mp3 the ones you want to check out first are the ones that say "Index of/" in the title of the search result. Folders with direct downloads can be easily accessed.It will look the same as if you were logging into a ftp url.. I'm sure you can be pretty flexible on how you type that in, so long as you include "index of/".Google stores all the webpages information in it database and the journey of search will be already started before we enter the keyword of what we require.Web crawler makes the google so efficient while browsing the data and it takes the load of changing the old pages and replacing it with the new one based upon the keywords.

We assure you can use this for more than just mp3's (it's not perfect but it has worked for me on a few occasions)Always make sure to use the quotations where i placed them. they help pinpoint the correct search results more accurately. just try it out, also if you want to learn how to do more with google look up "google hacks".Google allows us to find the information quickly and exactly what we are looking for.Google has a special feature called "web crawlers" where this software helps to find the exact data what we are looking and removes the old pages that are expired or the data which is present in that website is very old.

Google has very different features in it.If we type the keyword which is required it will flow through an algorithm and then matches with the keyword in the database which it has maintained and then displays the result.Cache memory will be helpful sometimes when the internet connection is slow.Pages which we had opened previously will be stored in cache.Once we open this pages again after closing it will be loaded fastly as the cache memory helps to do so.Keywords are very important for any webpage.Page ranking is mainly depended on this keywords,the more you have absolute keyword the rank of particular page will be high.The page with more keyword and valuable information will be displayed at first when we type any requirement.

Final words

So now you came to know how to search exactly you can help your friends by sharing this post so that they will come to know how properly a search has to be done instead of just simply typing the keyword in google and then we don't get enough data not to get frustrated.This method is a bit time taking but hope it will help to find the exact keyword of what we are looking for.Google maintains a separate algorithm for searches and it will follow the process each and every whenever a search in fired by the user.Google has its own records or a dictionary which helps to search instantly via this process.

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